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Grassfed Pot Roast Recipes Can Help Prevent Heart DiseasePot roast recipes delicious!-- I grew up eating a lot of pot roasts. Here's the good news about that. The red meat (as in pot roast recipes) plays a significant role in preventing heart disease according to Dr. William Campbell Douglass. Dr. Douglass has been voted "Doctor of the Year" by the National Health Federation. Writing in REAL HEALTH BREAKTHROUGHS, he entitles his article Want to Kill Yourself Trying to Avoid Heart Disease? Eat a very low-fat diet.Dr. Douglass continues, "I've been cautioning my readers about this for years and now I'm even hearing agreement from the Chairman of the Nutrition Committee of the American Heart Association. Even he now admits that a very low-fat diet can be harmful to many people! And unless you've actually been tested and found to have a very specific condition called 'pattern B LDI,' be careful to get enough animal fat in your diet. "So what's the REAL cause of heart disease? Well, for one thing: Too little red meat in your diet. "You see, of all the different substances they can measure in your blood, the deadliest risk factor for heart disease is not cholesterol, but a chemical called HOMOCYSTEINE. "Cholesterol doesn't do diddly unless it "catches" on a ridge or pit in your artery walls. And the secret cause of these "cholesterol traps" is homocysteine. Too much homocysteine and your arteries corrode like a rusty pipe. "But it's so easy to cut down your homocysteine levels! Three vitamins do the trick quickly, including vitamins B6 and B12. And by far the richest source of these vitamins is. . .you got it, RED MEAT.” Pot roast recipes are some of the healthiest, easiest to prepare and least expensive to buy. They can also be deliciously savory.